Saudi Arabia aims to produce 16.2 million cubic meters of desalinated water per day

The Director of Planning at the Water Authority in the Saudi Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, Saud Al-Murshed, confirmed that the production capacity of water desalination plants in Saudi Arabia currently stands at 9.4 million cubic meters per day, with a target of 16.2 million cubic meters per day.

In a dialogue session on the sidelines of the Tenth World Water Forum in Indonesia, he explained that Saudi Arabia has succeeded in establishing a huge geomechanical database that includes technical and spatial specifications of all facilities in water supply areas, and is working on implementing the use of modern technologies and artificial intelligence techniques and automating management and planning processes.

He added that the desalinated water transmission lines in Saudi Arabia currently reach 14,000 km, and aims to reach 18,000 km, while the capacity of the current distribution networks is 78 percent, and aims to reach 100 percent to cover the population by 2030, pointing out that the current storage capacity has exceeded 24 million cubic meters in 2023, and aims to reach 120 million cubic meters by 2030.

Al-Murshed said that the excellence of water supply systems in Saudi Arabia has enabled it to achieve the goal of providing desalinated water to all population centers in the Kingdom, noting that Saudi Arabia has advanced in this field by using the latest technologies and applying the best international standards and practices, as it aims to build reuse transport networks. With a length of lines exceeding 5 thousand kilometers. It is worth mentioning that the Tenth World Water Forum is the largest event in the field of water management in the world. Where governments, organizations, officials and specialists in all relevant fields meet to exchange experiences and open aspects of cooperation to develop the sector and ensure its sustainability.

The Forum provides a platform for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and cooperation among stakeholders from around the world, and provides an opportunity to showcase international best practices and find ways to cooperate to ensure sustainable management of water resources internationally.


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