
Mauritania.. Mohamed Ould Sheikh Al-Ghazouani wins a second term with 56.12 percent


The Independent National Electoral Commission in Mauritania announced the victory of Mohamed Ould Sheikh Al-Ghazouani for a second five-year term after receiving 554,956 votes, or 56.12 percent of the votes of Mauritanian voters in last Saturday's election.

The head of the committee, Dah Ould Abdel Jalil, revealed during a press conference where the provisional results were announced today, Monday, that the number of voters in the presidential elections reached 1,074,208 out of 1,939,342 registered, after the completion of the counting of the results of all the polling stations inside and outside the country. There are 4,503 precincts.

The number of valid votes was 988,813, the number of invalid votes was 53,787, and the number of neutral votes was 31,608. The voter turnout was 55.6 percent.

According to the head of the committee, candidate Biram Dah Abeidi (human rights activist, head of the Initiative for the Revival of the Emancipation Movement) came in second with 218,546 votes or 22.10 percent, while Tawasul Party candidate Hammadi Sidi Al-Mukhtar came in third with 126 votes. 340 votes or 12.78 percent.

Independent candidate Eid Mohamed Embarek came in fourth with 35,288 votes or 3.57 percent, while candidate Ba Mamadou Bockarie (leader of the Alliance for Justice and Democracy Party) came in fifth with 23,617 votes or 2.39 percent.

In sixth place was candidate Otoma Somare (doctor and university professor) with 20,360 votes or 2.06 percent, followed by candidate Muhammad Al-Amin Al-Murtaji Al-Wafi (independent) with 9,722 votes or 0.98 percent.

Mohamed Ould Sheikh Al-Ghazouani had won the first term in the presidential elections held in 2019, after obtaining 52 percent of the voters' votes.

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