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Macron calls for 'rethinking our relationship with Russia' after Ukraine war

 French President Emmanuel Macron called for a "rethinking of our relationship with Russia" after the war in Ukraine and called for a "new international order" on Sunday in Paris during a "meeting for peace" organized by the Community of Sant'Egidio.

"We will have to think about a new form of European organization and we will have to rethink our relationship with Russia after" the war in Ukraine, Macron said at the opening of the meetings of this Catholic association close to the Vatican.

In terms of relations with Moscow, Emmanuel Macron was widely criticized for declaring in May 2022, more than three months after Moscow began its invasion of Ukraine, that Russia should not be "humiliated".

After changing his position, the French president was criticized by the West two years later for refusing to rule out sending troops into Ukrainian territory.

"We must be creative enough to think in a new way about the peace of tomorrow, the peace in Europe," he said during the meetings, which brought together religious leaders, politicians and experts. He added that it was necessary to take into account "the reconciliation with the Balkans and the reality of Europe in its geographical form, which is neither the European Union nor NATO".

He also called for "building a new international order" because "our current order is incomplete and unfair" because "many of the most populous countries did not exist when the seats were distributed.

He stressed the need for "a system in which one or another cannot hinder others, and in which countries are properly represented, and therefore fairer bodies, whether it is the United Nations, the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund".

The French president, who will attend the UN General Assembly on Tuesday and Wednesday, continued: "I will raise the issue again this week at the United Nations.

Emmanuel Macron added that "peace is only possible through coexistence" and that "there is a place, a territory, a state, coexistence, recognition of everyone's existence, recognition of everyone's right to live in peace," noting that "this is the key to what is happening now in the Middle East."

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